You Are An INFJ |
The Protector You live your life with integrity, originality, vision, and creativity. Independent and stubborn, you rarely stray from your vision - no matter what it is. You are an excellent listener, with almost infinite patience. You have complex, deep feelings, and you take great care to express them. You would make a great photographer, alternative medicine guru, or teacher. |
Sounds strange. Alternative medicine guru is just gg. More describers on this page: where there are things like "writers" which I think fits the bill better. And anyway I've always scored INFP on most tests.
Jung Test Results from
Your type is: INFP
Introverted (I) 53.13% Extroverted (E) 46.88%
Intuitive (N) 61.76% Sensing (S) 38.24%
Feeling (F) 58.82% Thinking (T) 41.18%
Perceiving (P) 56.67% Judging (J) 43.33%
INFP - "Questor". High capacity for caring. Emotional face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 4.4% of total population.
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